Teton Snow Geek

Snowpack Observations & Backcountry Techniques from the Resident Geek,
JACOB URBAN, and the JHOLI Staff

Teton Snow Geek

Snowpack Observations & Backcountry Techniques from the Resident Geek JACOB URBAN, and the JHOLI Staff

Teton Snow Geek

Snowpack Observations & Backcountry Techniques from the Resident Geek, JACOB URBAN, and the JHOLI Staff

How do you Manage Risk? The Equation is Simple…

How do you manage risk? – While the equation is quite simple: Risk = Consequence x Exposure x Vulnerability...applying this takes a lot of experience and mentorship. Here is a look into my process. – Consequences: The consequences of being caught on this slope in an avalanche or from a simple slip and fall would be catastrophic: The probability of survival somewhere around nil. This slope had recently slid on an early season layer with no new snow since the slide. Thus, avalanche hazard nearly eliminated. The bed-surface of the slide was hard and supportable that made for good crampon climbing. We limited the risk of a fall with good timing. We climbed the route as the day warmed and got...

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Controllable Factors in Terrain Management

We often talk about the assumed or inherent risk of an activity. This is a relatively simple process of judging that can be done from the armchair or the bleachers without ever engaging in the activity. You will often hear folks share their opinions of what is risky without ever having tried the activity. In reality risk is a continuum that is based on our personal experiences and how we feel about ourselves. It is a dynamic range from extremely conservative to highly dangerous that varies from day to day. Again, this is based on how one feels about themselves. For instance, when feelings of inadequacy arise you will likely risk nothing and not get off the couch or accept more risk to...

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We Consume More Than Food – Your Subconscious and Media are Directly Related

Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't. - Pete Seeger I consume no news media. Nothing for the last 3 to 4 years. When I get asked “How do you stay current?”, I chuckle and reply, “None of what we are fed through the “news” is currently relevant to anything we do”. I blame this habit of consuming no news media on the success of my business. Often stating, “if I were watching the news, it would probably seem like a bad idea to invest in anything right now”. Rather, gaining my information though engagement and interaction with people and places in real time, rather than through the lens...

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